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True history of Black August, Mama Ayanna Mashama


Robin DG Kelley On Fighting for Freedom in the Darkness of Capitalist Dystopia, Real News Network, October 2021

Robin D. G. Kelley discusses Black radical history, liberationNPR, Febuary 2022

The League of Revolutionary Black Workers: A Historical StudyBy A. Muhammad Ahmad

Race to Labor: Can Organized Labor Be an Agent of Social and Economic Justice? By Bill Fletcher, Jr

Institute for Policy Studies, Black Worker Initiative

Class Struggle and Racial Justice after the union drive at AmazonJune 2021

Final report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, United States Senate. Also available in other formats here and here.

From Democracy Now flashback to the days of COINTELPRO.

Book excerpt for Spying on Democracy.

Roots of Black Incarceration, Joy James, Boston Review, March 2016

The Struggle Goes On, Walter Rodney 

Collection of essays on the Black Radical Tradition

See writings of Abdul Alkalimat

See writings of Joy James

The Malcolm X collection: papers, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library,

The Malcolm X Project at Columbia University

See a five minute clip of Malcolm X's last speech in 1965

Malcolm X speaks about second amendment and about race, the global struggle against colonialism, black nationalism, his call to register to vote but not in the Democratic party - the Ballot or the Bullet...

See the PBS page on their "Make it Plain" documentary and watch it here

"The Negro's Greatest Enemy," published in Current History (September 1923), was Marcus Garvey's most extensive autobiographical statement, and the first to be written for the American public. It was written during his incarceration in the Tombs Prison in New York City.

To Remake the World: Slavery, Racial Capitalism, and Justice,  Boston Review 2018

List of articles on US Politics, Black Agenda Report

See articles written by Michael C. Dawson, Boston Review

African American Intellectual History Society's Black Radical Tradition page 

Note: Coming soon will be a listing of books for further reading

COVID-19 impact on poverty and inequality, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

COVID-19 impact on food, housing and employment, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 

Dashboard of COVID-19 cases worldwide from the World Health Organization (WHO)

Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University

COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University

The Black Plague, by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor in The New Yorker


Congressional Hearings on Reparations (video and documents), June 2019

United Nations, coverage and index of information for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban, South Africa (2001)

A coalition of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for
African descendants in the United States - The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Reparations Commission

1619 Project, New York Times, 

Slavery and Brutality of American capitalism, the 1619 Project from the New York Times

How Slavery Helped Build a World Economy, excerpt from Jubilee: The Emergence of African-
American Culture
 by the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library (National Geographic Books, 2003)

See the John Henrik Clarke documentary, A Great and Mighty Walk

See this link for a web page with bios and related information about Black historians; George PadmoreEric WilliamsDr. Chancellor Williams and Runoko Rashidi.

An online archive of primary materials - documents, photographs, artifacts, and written and oral memories from The African Activist Archive Project 

An online archive of photos, videos, and other items at the ANC Archives


Joe Biden official campaign site for presidency

Joe Biden plan for Black America "Lift every voice"

Bernie Sander's campaign on the issues

2020 Entrance and Exit Polls at

2020 Primary and Caucus Results at


Trump promised white supremacy. New Republic

This is what white nationalism looks like, The Nation

White nationalism in the White House, Salon

Government by White Nationalism Is Upon Us, Slate

Is Donald Trump Carrying Out the White Nationalism of an Alt-Right Presidency? Truthout

A Complete History Of Donald Trump's Relationship With The White Nationalist Movement, Media Matters

Expert Who Has Studied White Supremacy for Almost 50 Years Explains Why Racists Flock to Trump's Rhetoric. Alternet

Birtherism and America’s history of white supremacy,  Salon

White nationalism explained. New York Times

Donald Trump building a team of racists. New York Magazine

graphical view of Trump's cabinet picks highlighting lack of diversity and experience

VIDEO: We do not consent to a Donald Trump presidency..., Rosa Clemente

The Party we need by the editors of Jacobin

Keeanga-Taylor Yamahtta's piece also in Jacobin, "No Time for Despair" and "How to build a mass movement"

How can we fight Trump, in The Nation


Latest news on Oscar Grant, Oakland News Now 

The Science of Justice: Race, Arrests & Police use of Force (July 2016)

Report from the East Baton Rouge District Attorney's Office regarding the death of Alton Sterling (July 11th, 2016)

Local news coverage from the Star Tribune of the Philando Castile killing

Coverage of the Freddy Gray trial in the Baltimore Sun.

Court documents of the Freddy Gray trial for Baltimore Police Officers, Caesar GoodsonWilliam Porter, and Edward Nero.  Here is Officer Woodson's court transcript.

The Guardian's interactive project, The Counted keeps track of the number of people killed by police and other law enforcement agencies in the United States throughout 2015.

Articles on the various topics covered and uncovered since the police related deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Michael Brown grand jury documents released by Prosecutor Robert McCulloch.

Report/analysis entitled: "Who leads us" on who are the prosecutors in America by the Women's Donor Network.  The site is very informative and interactive.

Justice Department investigation report on police departments in:
The White House page on the President's 21st Century policing

The President's 21st Century Policing Task Force webpage with the interim Task Force Report (March 2015) and final Task Force Report (Note: as of 7/19/15, the DOJ link is inoperable.  The link will be provided when operable)

These are documents released in the Sandra Bland case:


Center for American Progress series on systemic racism


Vote Suppression analysis, The Brennan Center

50 years of the Voting Rights Act, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

Supreme Court decision on Voting Rights Act, June 2013

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies response to Supreme Court Ruling on Voting Rights Act.

The Brennan Center for Justice (at NYU School of Law) has a page with various links to op-ed, blog posts, media coverage, fact sheets, etc., regarding the Voting Rights Act.

The Democrats dependence on the Black vote, Washington Post 

How Black Voters could determine the 2016 elections, Washington Post


The Urban Institute's section on poverty

The Economic Policy Institute has an Inequality & Poverty page.

The Nation's This week in Poverty series.

Official poverty page at the Census Bureau.

2019 Income and Poverty in the United States, report and summary

2015 Income and Poverty in the United States report and summary

2014 Income and Poverty in the United States report

The Pew Research Center put together a data portrait in their look at poverty.

Mapping Poverty in America in the New York Times.

Whitehouse website page for Affordable Care Act (ACA) and healthcare reform that contains information about the new law, myths versus facts, and information on how to find healthcare plans.

House Republican Playbook – a GOP strategic plan to highlight problems with the Affordable Care Act.

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies' report on ACA.


The Detroit Free Press section on the Flint Water Crisis

The Guardian's section on the Flint Water Crisis

A story published in The Final Call about recent work of their prison ministry.

Reporting on the Flint Water Crisis by NewsOne
risk (Nov.2013)

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